Pilates Instructor
Helina is a certified mat Pilates Instructor who received her certification here under Alyssa's first teacher training program at Sol. As an athlete for her entire life, Helina has always had a love for fun, energizing, and challenging workouts. After taking classes daily at Sol for several months, Helina felt called to teach in this special space with an incredible community. Outside of Pilates, Helina works in marketing in the wine industry. If not at the studio, you can find her at a coffee shop or at the beach!
1. What is your go-to coffee order?
iced oat milk latte (with extra ice lol)
2. What are one/two daily habits that you think everyone should do?
Take a 30 minute walk outside and call a loved one!
3. What is your guilty pleasure?
Being in bed every night before 8pm